The new headquarters of the "Apple"

Rules for safety, especially in construction, has not saved a prestigious company as "Apple", which will build its new base.

Albanian flag in the longest tunnel in the world

Work at the longest tunnel in the world, it "Gotthard Base" in Switzerland are the greatest joy. Miners seen in this picture

Hair loss is directly related to the heart

The lack and decline of hair on men is a precursor to heart

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tornado in Australia

Balance of bloody derby Chair: Two players break the Union and two fans badly beaten

Two players break the Union and two fans of this club badly beaten is the balance of Albanian blood derby that took place on Sunday afternoon in the third league match between the North group KF Skopje and FC Union from Kumanovo in Cair Stadium.
FC Union by reporting that it is for the players and admin Argjent Fetai from Solomon who completed his wounds in hospital, and fans and Neritan Adem Ramadani Ibraimi, who also sought medical treatment in hospitals in Skopje.

"Fidan and Argjenti are slain with a knife, but I say that I feel a little better now. We had an hour to leave the stadium and Chair. Police followed us to the edge of town. There was a disaster, something indescribable. I thank the leadership of FC Skopje and correct game players on the field, while in terms of local public show they are ruthless to us. This does not say football, "said the" news "Union coach, Muhamer Rrustemi.

Derby match ended without a winner, and has been available for the 18th week. After this week's Union retains the lead with 46 points, followed by Skopje and with a few more points.

DUI: Sadiu and DPA showed their true face

Democratic Union for Integration reacts sharply to statements yesterday Albanian Democratic Party candidate for the municipality of Tetovo, Sadi Bexheti.

While our President, Ali Ahmeti, on March 24 said that BDIja will support PDSHsë candidate in Struga, the party openly invites Macedonian compatriots to vote against DUI.

Fear has gripped Sadi Bexheti from people's verdict on March 24, 2014 is delaying it and Menduh Thaci once again to show their true face.

Prekish feelings, insult and insult the values ​​of your people, which incidentally probably belongs, is like the popular saying "yes spat upwards, pĂ«shtime back in your face."

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Big Brother Albania 6 Live

Big Brother Albania Live

About 10 on Top

More than ever, young celebrities are pop culture power players, doing more moving and shaking in a single week than previous stars did in a lifetime. Each week MTV will present MTV's '10 on Top', a half-hour countdown of the Top 10 most texted and talked about young celebs at the moment. Their ranking will be influenced by the audience - based on the chatter they elicit, and the headlines they create each week, as well as the amount of buzz about their upcoming projects and events (appearances, premieres, tours, etc.).

Host Lenay Dunn will guide viewers through the countdown, introducing hot, new talent, and delivering up exclusive behind-the-scenes footage. It's an entertaining summary of a week in the lives of young superstar entertainers--what deals they landed, whose hearts they broke, whose star is shining brightest right now, and whose will rise next.

10 on Top will be the weekly destination for our saavy, pop-loving, Tweet-happy audience.

Taylor Swift Has Fans Sobbing, Squealing, Soaring On Red Tour

Around the Prudential Center on Thursday, groups of teens clutched their friends' hands while Swift solemnly called out the melody of "All Too Well," a song she had written about a breakup. A couple in Section 8 cried in each other's arms.
But it didn't stay beautifully somber for long. Throughout the Red Tour stop, Taylor Swift took the audience through a string of emotions — from blissful to hopeful to revengeful to romantic. Or, as the singer sums it up in one fiery, all-encompassing color: red. The emotions tied to the color, seen everywhere from her microphone to her sparkly oxford shoes, are seen as a challenge, Taylor told the audience. They're something we learn from, grow from and use to become the people we'll end up as.
Swift's had a lot of those emotions along her lifelong voyage as a singing superstar — betrayal, jealousy, falling in love. A video montage took concertgoers through her life, starting when she was 1 year old, to when she got her first guitar, to school musicals, to recording her first song, to global stardom. All the while, she was following her dream, and tossing down haters along the way.
Sitting on a treasure chest, plucking the tinny strings of her banjo reminded her of that journey. "This brings me back to the stuff I used to daydream about when I was a kid," she said, scanning the arena before heading off into "Mean," from 2010's Speak Now. (But the New Jersey crowd looked even better than her childhood dreams, she revealed.)
The night was filled with Red, taking us from the bubbly, love proclamation of "Stay Stay Stay" to the dangerous, dub-stepper "I Knew You Were Trouble" to the carpe diem attitude of "22." When one moment there was screaming and bouncing, five more minutes brought fist-pumping anger. Another five minutes ushered in sobs and unison cries over love gone sour. TSwizzle got fans rowdy and "rewarded" them with special guest Tyler Glenn from Neon Trees. The duo teamed up for the band's "Everybody Talks," jumping around the stage and grinding out the song's catchy chorus in harmony.
Set themes ranged from masquerade party to old-time cinema, but it still came as a surprise when Taylor put a doo-wop spin on "You Belong With Me." Watching the glittery backup dancers, complete with curly bobs and long gloves, I felt like I should've been in the '50s at the local diner, eating a burger and a malt instead of the Coke and candy I scarfed down backstage at Club Red. The superstar onstage was way more glammed up than the same, casual girl we met before the show, when a few select fans and media got access to Swift's hidden arena hangout.
Although Swift has a lot to reflect on, at 23, she still has a long career ahead of her, which accompanies her highly speculated personal life. "They're building you up just to knock you down," she said, addressing the media coverage around her relationships and her penchant from writing ballads about boys. ("I've been told I write a lot of breakup songs." It's true, she admitted.) They haven't brought her down yet, Taylor added, empowered, before singing about the loneliness of fame in "The Lucky One."
She's rubbed off on her fans. Many of them toted signs imparting her lyrical wisdom ("Dream impossible dreams," one read). Others took on her carefree "22" persona and donned cat ears. But mostly everyone wore red.
And really, "Red" is the only way to summarize the magic of the hectic, exhausting night. Because by the time you waded through the thousands pouring out on Mulberry Street, you'd experienced every different kind of emotion in only two hours. That's Red.

Provokes spark again: Perform 10 times a day! (Photo)

Add variety to your yoga practice - If your favorite Bikram yoga class isn't meeting your mind-body needs, head over to a Moksha yoga studio. We talked with Moksha Yoga co-founder Jessica Robertson to learn more about this form of cardiovascular hot yoga practice.
Meet the expert - Jessica Robertson is the co-founder of Moksha Yoga, New Leaf Yoga Foundation, and Moksha Yoga LA as well as co-director of Moksha Yoga International. She is trained to teach Bikram, Sivananda, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Power Yoga and Kirtan. Her greatest learning comes from being in nature and from practicing every day (even when she doesn't feel like it!).
SheKnows: What is Moksha yoga and how does it differ from Bikram yoga? Jessica Robertson: Physically, Moksha yoga is a cardiovascular hot yoga sequence that works to stretch, strengthen and tone the body while calming the mind. Every class is rooted in the Moksha series to build a depth of concentration, but in contrast to Bikram, teachers are encouraged to bring a dash of variety into each and every class. A Moksha class also brings focus to the upper body, with some downward dog flows and a focus on opening the hips to prevent and treat lower-back and knee pain. Moksha is also unique in that every studio is designed and operated under strict (and loving!) environmental commitments.
SK: What inspired you to get involved in Moksha and franchise it?
JR: Ted (Grand) and I, and our partner at the time ... noticed that what we were offering in our Bikram studios wasn't aligned with what Bikram wanted. We weren't teaching classes with a set dialogue, we weren't using carpet on the floor and we were offering straps, blocks and modifications based on our backgrounds with other yoga teachers and styles. We started Moksha because while we wanted to respect Bikram's wishes; we needed to offer what we felt best teaching. The licensing came about because, quite simply, one of our studio owners was moving far away and wanted to share the Moksha vibe with her new community. This was a fun process because we really had to define what it was that makes us, "us." So we wrote an operations manual... and the rest is history!

10 things men like in women?

 The survey was conducted on a survey of 20,000 men and reveals what attracts men to women. Look rezutatet:

1.  attraction
2. Smiling
3. goodness
4. Humour
5. Body appearance
6. eyes
7. intelligence
8. communicative ability
9. Teeth and lips
10. locks

This is the choice of men when asked what attracts women, and their responses are listed in order of importance. As you can see  attraction is more important, and afterwards the features that i want females.

DUI: Repeat elections in Chair, political manipulation

SEC's decision to repeat elections in 13 polling stations in the municipality of Cair, BDI described as political manipulation and attempt to tainted political weight Chair. The party dismissed allegations of impropriety or falsification of the elections, but said that it was for administrative and statistical errors affecting censuzin necessary for victory in the first round of elections.
Last night, all the people were witness to an unprincipled cooperation with political interests Strumica broke on the political will of ethnic Albanians in Skopje. Despite this, the SEC found that there were no irregularities on election day and election process or forgery, but only administrative and statistical errors affecting the census needed for victory in the first round and not in the uncontested victory Ixet Mexhiti "said Bujar Osmani, spokesman for DUI.

DSI's decision yesterday accused the SEC as a result of shopping is unprincipled between DPA and VMRO, relativized to the party's victory.

"The decision last night did not help either DPA or the Chair VMRO but unprincipled shopping is just one of the rotating between DPA and VMRO DPMNE relativized to the great victory of DUI, which included Kicevo he enjoyed all Albanians. Political decisions have not ever been able to change the political will of the citizens and therefore, it will be shown on April 7 in Chair, "said Bujar Osmani, spokesman for DUI.

According to Ahmeti's party Chair only dilemma remains who will be the challenger who will lose in the second round of elections in the municipality, because as said, the VMRO and DPA have been 3 times less votes than the DUI. Semra Jakupi


Devorced becouse his feyonce posted her photos on facebook

Models of the day

  carlyraejepsencandies2013campaign1For the new Candie’s campaign, Carly Rae Jepsen put together her own combos in order to create a “carefree and flirty look.”
The renowned 27-year-old Canadian singer rocks some really stylish goodies from the brand’s latest collection. There are pretty patterns, dainty lace, cool kicks, girly dresses, and an array of other achingly lovely clothes and accessories that can easily add awesomeness and uniqueness to your warm weather ensembles.

Serbia against the idea of ​​Tzar Lazar on Kosovo

At today's press conference, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic said that the Serbian government is faced with the problem of Kosovo.

"The government has taken a hard and dangerous, because Serbia could not afford frozen conflict. New Serbian history have not been more complex situation than the state and national policy that has been Kosovo," Vucic said.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Blackberry Z10 ( Video)

Shvercerat: Today Kicevo, Kumanovo tomorrow

In recent basketball game between Kumanovo and Skopje Albanian fans Freedom came with the slogan that mllefosi Macedonian nationalist journalists.

Following the publication of this parolle, came the expected answer from Macedonian fans screaming: Shiptari, Shiptari.

By this shouting, Shvercerat means not intervened, on the contrary continued to have fun until the end of the match

iPhone 5 and iPad Mini sales help Apple

Samsung is still the world leader in the number of deliveries smart phones, tablets, and desktop computers, but the two latest Apple products are helping its rival Apple to cover the space between them.
IDC's new report which dealt with the deliveries of "smart devices" means that Apple gets 20.3 percent of total remittances for the last quarter of 2012, after Samsung, which tops the list with 21.2 percent of the total shipments.

IDC says that Apple's growth has come as a result of the introduction of two important products, like the iPhone 5 and iPad Mini, and no one should be surprised, knowing how well the equipment is sold.
However, the important question is how long Apple will be able to stand behind Samsung, given that the latter has now launched a new model of phone, the Galaxy S4, which says it will be sold up to 100 million Unit

Samsung ende është lider botëror për nga numri i dërgesave të telefonave të mençur, tabletëve, dhe kompjuterëve desktop, mirëpo dy produktet e fundit të Apple janë duke e ndihmuar rivalin e saj Apple që të mbulojë hapësirën mes tyre.
Raporti i ri i IDC-sĂ« i cili Ă«shtĂ« marrĂ« me dĂ«rgesat e “pajisjeve tĂ« mençura” thotĂ« se Apple merr 20.3 pĂ«r qind tĂ« totalit tĂ« dĂ«rgesave pĂ«r tremujorin e fundit tĂ« 2012, pas Samsung e cila kryeson listĂ«n me 21.2 pĂ«r qind tĂ« totalit tĂ« dĂ«rgesave.
IDC thotë se rritja e Apple ka ardhur si pasojë e prezantimit të dy produkteve të rëndësishme, si iPhone 5 dhe iPad Mini, dhe për këtë askush nuk do të duhej të befasohej, duke e ditur se sa mirë po shiten pajisjet.
Megjithatë, pyetje e rëndësishme është se për sa gjatë Apple do të mund të qëndroj pas Samsung, duke marrë parasysh se kjo e fundit tani ka lansuar modelin e ri të telefonit, Galaxy S4, për të cilin thotë se do të shitet deri në 100 milionë njës

What flowers to donate his girlfriend?

What flowers to donate his girlfriend?

Love, admiration, but also wicked; flowers have a special significance. Here are some tips to avoid the wrong choice of flowers for your girlfriend.

Do you know the true meaning of flowers to donate? Mysterious, fun and attractive; They know how to enjoy but also hurt, it would be wrong be wrong in the election, behind the color and smell of their hidden meaning.

Flowers that can be donated:

Roses. Although not an original choice, they always give pleasure.

Colors: red to pink passionate and sincere lovers. Note: If you are not sure which person shall donate roses does not have a vase, be careful with roses with long tail. They threaten to wither quickly.
Violet. Secret love symbol at the beginning of the century, violets are awarded more often in the first meeting.

Note: Ana their natural and subtle but above all originality of choice fails to attract loving person.
Orkideja. Regardless of color and variety, orkideja is a symbol of love, devotion and sensuality.

Flowers that should not be given:

Yellow flowers. They are nice and beautiful but are a symbol of treachery and betrayal. Through their donation transmitted an unwanted message.
Flowers that have very strong odor. Everything depends on the sensitivity of the person, but some flowers can quickly become uncomfortable if you have wind.

No revote for Kicevo

Fatmir Dehari and the SEC has been elected chairman of Kicevo in the first round.
The State Election Commission late Wednesday decided not to have re-run for mayoral elections, rejecting complaints VMRO-DPMNE Kicevo voting process.

Boris Kondarko explained that the minutes of the Municipal Election Commission had no objections, and they stood after the period prescribed by law.

Despite efforts by some pro-government portals to spoil the image of elections and convey inaccurate information, however it is the truth about the complaints.

Members of the DPA and DUI SEC voted against complaints, abstained SDSM, VMRO-DPMNE and voted to accept complaints.

Facebook Phone, on April 4?

At the beginning of next month, ie April 4, Facebook will hold a new event dedicated to the Android operating system, which the social network called "new home", and this may involve the integrationlargest mobile platform.


According to TechCrunch, the event can be launched new Facebook application for Android, or to make the introduction of a new model of smart phone Facebook, which believed that the company is created in collaboration with Taiwanese manufacturer HTC.

On the Internet are already published some new model concepts Facebook phone, which if you happen to be, does not seem bad

Kacin: Pristina and Belgrade will reach historic agreement

European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia Jelko Kacin said that negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia have not fallen into a dead end, and despite the current impression, it is possible to achieve much more than what has so far been made ​​in the dialog.
I am deeply convinced and pleasure in historic agreement that will be reached between Pristina and Belgrade, because it is not only their success, but it will be great opposition to the entire region. This will be the most powerful message, which will be \ 't wake of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, "said Kacin agency Anatolia reports Qik.

Speaking to continue the dialogue on April 2, Kacin reminded that Kosovo team headed by Hashim Thaci in the current negotiations in Brussels has come to the full.

He pointed out that it is very important dialogue between Slobodan Petrovic, deputy Aleksandar Vucic from Kosovo and Serbia, which would be symbolic and historical significance

Wigging Out

Top models of the day
It sounds silly, but we all wonder: Would changing my hair change my life? After a lifetime of playing it safe at the salon, Molly Young spins the color wheel—and discovers a spectrum of alter egos.
The problem with my hair begins with my face. My face, I am sorry to report, clashes with any hairstyle other than a medium-length and nonlayered one, which is less a style than a state of nature. I discovered this a few years ago, when a makeup artist stepped back from my face midbronzing, squinched her eyes, and said, "You know, I thought you had a square face, but it’s actually sort of a pyramid." A pyramid? Yes, she said, a pyramid. She was right about my face—it’s widest at the jawline, like Luke Wilson’s—and I’ve never quite forgiven her for it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Scandal: Police arrest several people for vote buying in Tetovo

Me kĂ«rkesĂ« tĂ« ZyrĂ«s sĂ« Prokurorit Publik-TetovĂ« pĂ«r mbledhjen e informacioneve nĂ« kuadĂ«r tĂ« operacionit “Vota e prekur” qĂ« bĂ«n fjalĂ« pĂ«r dhĂ«nien e ryshfeteve njĂ« numri tĂ« madh tĂ« qytetarĂ«ve pĂ«r tĂ« votuar pĂ«r njĂ« nga kandidatĂ«t pĂ«r kryetar tĂ« komunĂ«s sĂ« TetovĂ«s, SPB-TetovĂ« dje ka kryer aktivitete tĂ« ndryshme operative nĂ« lidhje me kĂ«tĂ« çështje.
Me urdhĂ«r tĂ« GjykatĂ«s  Ă«shtĂ« kryer kontroll nĂ« zyrĂ«n e Notarit   M.I (63) qĂ« gjendet nĂ« rrugĂ«n “Ilinden” nĂ« TetovĂ«, nga ku Ă«shtĂ« marĂ« njĂ« regjistĂ«r noterial pĂ«r vlefshmĂ«ri dhe 175 deklarata tĂ« certifikuara nga qytetarĂ«t qĂ« kanĂ« marrĂ« rryshfet. MĂ« vonĂ« janĂ« arrestuar katĂ«r persona nga Tetova: A.M (40) nga i cili janĂ« marrĂ« 16 kartĂ«monedha 10-euroshe, N.T (32) dhe B.H (28) nĂ« veturĂ«n e tĂ« cilĂ«ve janĂ« gjetur 14.060 euro, gjegjĂ«sisht 653 kartĂ«monedha nga 20 euro, 5 euro dhe 200 euro. PĂ«rveç katĂ«r tĂ« arrestuarve Ă«shtĂ« thirur edhe Q.L (77) njĂ«jt nga Tetova, me tĂ« cilin Ă«shtĂ« diskutuar dhe mĂ« pas Ă«shtĂ« lĂ«shuar gjithashtu edhe me noterin M.I, shkruhet nĂ« komunikatĂ«n e MinistrisĂ« sĂ« Brendshme. SPB-TetovĂ« ka marrĂ« masat dhe aktivitetet adekuate pĂ«r tĂ« pastruar plotĂ«sisht tĂ« gjitha detajet nĂ« lidhje me kĂ«tĂ« rast, ndaj katĂ«r tĂ« arrestuarve tĂ« cilĂ«t dyshohen pĂ«r “rryshfet nĂ« zgjedhje dhe votim” do tĂ« paraqitet njĂ« raport i veçantĂ« penal.
Ndryshe dje PDSH-ka kishte akuzuar oponentin politik BDI-në për manipulime të mëdha të procesit zgjedhor ndër to edhe shitblerje të votave në Tetovë dhe vendbanime tjera shqiptare

Miracles happen, look how saving bus driver (Video)

A driver in China seems to have "second born." The way has escaped like a miracle.

Below you can see a video where a driver of a bus line in China escapes to a hundredth of a second from the detachment of a lamppost.

For more check out the video

Free calls through Facebook, arrive in Europe!

 While American users and they kandez had access to fantastic function within the official Facebook application for Apple, which enables free calls, other social network users have watched from afar the opportunity offered by Facebook.

Now, the Facebook application for Apple iOS Messenger debuted in the UK, and is expected to come in other European countries soon. However, it should be noted that this function within the Facebook application is not made ​​possible for users of the Android operating system.

The new service is not supported by Skype phone calls, but works very similar and is very easy to use. The novelty of this application is voice mail service, which can be left in the event that the person you are calling is busy.

According to Pocket-Lint, this version of the application is still in beta stage and there may be mistakes, but what is important is that, you will say "goodbye" toll calls, since the application works with the Internet phones, which you have in your phone

BlackBerry sells 1 million BlackBerry Z10

BlackBerry Company's financial results for last year have been released, with that famous Canadian manufacturer of electronic devices has announced that it has managed to generate $ 2.7 billion.

Revenues for the latest quarter for BlackBerry have reached $ 94 million, compared with just 14 million than they were three months ago.

BlackBerry's new success has been attributed to the successful launch of the BlackBerry 10 - which has sold more than 1 million copies, out of a total of 6 million units sold during the year.

However, these results do not include sales data from the U.S. and Canada, countries which are believed to have sold more units of BlackBerry Z10.


Games in this Montage:
Assasins Creed 3
Bioshock Infinite
Borderlands 2
Crysis 3
Devil May Cry
Devils Third
Diablo 3
Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Far Cry 3
God of War: Ascension
Guild Wars 2
Halo 4
Hitman 5: Absolution
Lollipop Chainsaw
Max Payne 3
Resident Evil 6
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Spec Ops: The Line
The Last Guardian
The Last of Us
Tomb Raider

Apple also clever pencil?

While talking about the clock wise to Apple iWatch, the company has submitted a new application for the patent, and this time it is a mobile electronic device.

And of course it's a new innovation, or on a computer integrated into a pencil, which is equipped with an LCD screen to display e-mails, SMS and various reports.

According to CNET, says that the device will come with wireless technology, GPS, wireless technology, microphone, headphones, and charge my battery.

Along with other functions, such as the calculator and clock, pen clever Apple could also be used as electronic personal assistant and as a tool for recognition of writing, or the user's voice

While talking about the clock wise to Apple iWatch, the company faces Submitted a new application for the patent, and this time it is a mobile electronic device.

And of course it's a new innovation, or on a computer Integrated into a pencil, Which is equipped with an LCD screen to display e-mails, SMS and various reports.

Kadare: Turkey makes cultural aggression

Albanian writer Ismail Kadare global scale has confirmed that it has signed a petition against the revision of history, under the supervision of the Turkish state.

According Day newspaper, stated that Kadare has joined as intellectuals consider this a major problem.

"I am one of the signatories and share your opinion with other Albanian intellectuals that changes the history of Turkish experts constitute a cultural aggression that hits the backbone of the nation, they are an unacceptable insult to the Albanians and the consequences for the future and our identity "this newspaper has quoted Kadare.

"We all already know that any intervention in history default policy scenarios affect the DNA of the Albanian nation and we must not allow this," said Kadare.