Sunday, March 3, 2013

Danaj: Macedonia is dead, let's bury it !!

In a statement on the latest developments in FYROM, President of the List for Natural Albania, Koco Danaj stated that recent events in Skopje clearly demonstrated before in eastern Albania and Albanians throughout the region, to Brussels and Washington that Gruevski chauvinist logic Crvenkovski, does not accept the logic of dialogue that for more than two decades Albanians are you offer. This logic, since 1994, 1997, 2001, 2004, since the events in Brodec, Radusha in Struga, Bitola, Skopje, Albania recognizes only the subject, but not equal to the Macedonians. The artificial state created in 1945 by Tito at the expense of Albanians in 2013 seeks to live at the expense of the Albanians again and despised, bloody and eliminate Albanians, their culture and history. This Logic chauvinistic, still did not understand that the Ohrid Agreement was a compromise of Albanians, save an artificial state.According Danaj: Today Macedonian chauvinism is on the offensive, he tells you that instead of Albanian democracy and coexistence should choose the fear of state or ga-paid people in the state. Therefore this chauvinism should disappear. But Macedonian chauvinism missing, no value statements condemning it and eventually you Albanians call for caution!!!. There are a dekadaë that these statements come from Tirana, Pristina or out of the headquarters of the political parties in FYROM. There are more than a decade that the Albanian nation from Brussels is used as firefighter of the Balkans, where should I be his main peacemaker.Danaj stressed that the recent events in Skopje, Brussels messages or statements of Tirana, Pristina, etc. have no value. Already have value only Resistance, Mass. National Union has value only has value only Natural Albania. Macedonian chauvinism as any other chauvinism against Albanians, only then will disappear when Albanians to join a state.Therefore List for Natural Albania calls Albanians in Albania East: Do not fall into the trap of deceptive illusions. Do not fall into the trap of manipulative statements. Continue to resist, continue to plead, from Kumanovo in Struga. Abandon the parties that you want use as "cannon fodder" for the interests of their connections with corrupt Macedonian chauvinism. Do not let sakrifikoheni neither you nor Eastern Kosovo Albanians allegedly on behalf of great historical compromise Thaci-Dacic compromise that protects not only Albanians, but thanks to the Albanian territories. Macedonia "died" as a common state of Albanians and Macedonians. Let them "bury" it. This will be the biggest contribution in the service of peace, progress and stability in the Balkans. This will be a major contribution to save the crisis of existence Brussels by the EU itself.


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