Monday, March 25, 2013

How to treat allergies pranverorea

Now we enter the spring season. As the flowers start to blossom and their pollen spread by wind, also known drug allergy symptoms begin to "thrive". In spring pollen of trees is more incentive symptoms, although fungi spores can cause respiratory problems. Like other allergies, drug allergy is caused by an abnormal immune response to a harmless substance.
The immune system produces antibodies to immunoglobulin E, "arming" the body to fight against the "invaders" from abroad, which is usually the pollen of trees in the case of drug allergy in the spring. During the reaction, immune cells release a number of powerful chemicals, including histamine, which leads to grass hay.
Researchers' understanding of this immune response is the basis of many medications for seasonal nasal allergies, including drugs antihistaminike and those infections that are taken by mouth or nose. The first step of treatment is allergy skin test, whereby if the problem is indeed confirmed allergy and identify the specific cause or causes, says dr. Christopher Bejts National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver, United States.
People who work or play outdoors, may find it very difficult to avoid pollen, notes dr. Jonathan Bernstein, an allergy specialist at the College of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. However, according to him, close the windows and use the air conditioner can help. Other ways could be to avoid outdoor activities when the proportion of pollen in the air is high, do not hang clothes out to dry and making wire shower after living abroad rinsed pollen attached to the body.
Avoiding pollen is not the only solution. Some medications that can be taken from the nose or mouth are known to control grass allergy. Their right combination depends on the patient's symptoms and if they have side effects, explains Bernshtajni. Antihistaminikët, which block histamine symptoms stimulant action, are the main therapy to drug allergy.
One of their disadvantages is that induce përgjumjeje, dr. Bernshtajni says that some new types of them that are without prescription, such as feksofenadina (Allegra) and loratadine (Claritin) are not reassuring. Other side effects may be dry mouth, constipation, and some children, irritation and nervousness.
Nasal corticosteroids, which include drugs as budezonidi (Rhinocort) and flutikazoni (Flonase), are also important in the treatment of these allergies. Corticosteroids are similar to the hormone that our body produces cortisol and can facilitate a variety of grass alergjish by blocking the release of inflammatory cases in the nasal channels. These drugs should be used daily to prevent symptoms, just before the start of the pollen season.
Steroids deal with frymëthithje can lead to irritation of the nose, including bleeding from the nose, and there were concerns about their potential impact on the growth of children. But dr. Bernshtajni says studies show that these drugs are safe if used properly for allergies and asthma. Nasal spray shkongjestuese can mitigate temporarily blocking the nose, but should be used for only a few days, because if used for a long time just how worsen kongjenstimin.
Injections option
If grass allergies are severe or do not improve after spring, making the needles may be an option. This approach, called immunotherapy, has to do with words injection of small amounts of some substances irritating to normalize the immune response. There are also other alternatives for the treatment of allergy, but still not well studied.
Doctor Bejtsi cites a study, which shows that grape seed extract may effects antihistaminike, unfortunately there are more than a placebo in alleviating seasonal allergies. However, it is impossible to completely avoid spring allergies if you live in an environment where you grow plants.
However, you can reduce sneezing and përlotjen of the main drivers avoiding eye allergy. Here's some advice: Stay inside when the proportion of pollen in the air is very high (it usually culminates in the morning). Keep doors and windows closed when possible during the spring, alergjenët not get inside. An air purifier may also be useful.
Clean air filters often in the room, as well as shelves, ventilators and other places where they can be collected pollen. Wash your hair after you get home from the outside, because there may be residual pollen there. Clean with vacuum cleaner twice a week, putting the mask because it can release into the air broom pollen and dust that is in your carpets or rugs.


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