Monday, March 4, 2013

using mobile phones,its 25% bigger possibiliti to gain brain kancer

Mobile towers, of 12 years, "produce" 23% of cancer cases in people
Now there are two parties involved in a conflict of interest in connection with cellular antennas: one side are four companies "AMC", "Vodafone" Eagle "and" Plus ", which aim to gain as much of that telephone service installed in Albania and on the other hand, citizens are attacked by these companies with antennas located near their homes, who oppose their deployment in environments where they live, when are harmful and in many cases devastating health, with due fatal to life. Regarding the shocking reality of the lives of Albanians, offered by the government through cellular companies, talks and specialist doctor, Vladimir Kumaraku:
-I am so sorry, this appeal that is all I have to do the Albanian media and civil society. I join civic concern as part of my stay, as a citizen and as a physician, but colleagues, to my fellow Albanians. We are dealing with a major social concern and vital. Why? Because the antennas are a permanent destructive potential risk to human health.
As a physician, I ask the state to intervene urgently after becoming a party to a crime caused by these companies, which "kill" be Albanians, to increase their profits. Also, given the fact that mobile towers and not only them, do not produce pure healthy people, but very heavy pollution, require that the placement of wireless antennas is far away from residential areas and all public areas, respecting distances installation and settings allow their radiant.
This, four cellular companies operating in Albania "AMC", "Vodafone" Eagle "and" Plus "do not respect nor in terms of environmental protection standards, or in forcing the installation of antennas distance, nor the interaction community, which is the main factor in this decision-making process or citizen complaints, nor in accordance with the "map" provided by local government. I could even say that in Berat region where I live and work as a doctor, local fare disregarded in this aspect.
- Some doctors and specialists in the field of radiation, declare that these antennas are not a health risk, as you think?
Mobile towers causing alarm is the fact that these antennas have radiation and radioactivity released into the environment where they are located, this radiation causes "murder" of the life of humans, animals, heavy pollution of the environment as vegetation, water, soil and destruction of oxygen. Although this alarm, passed quietly from state institutions and health environment, is actually a reality that exists and operates, causing hundreds of cancer patients a year, not counting the thousands of other consequences resulting from multiple body blood, lungs, bones, blood, liver and to the nervous system. They say that doctors and specialists themselves radioactive radiation and publicly declare that mobile towers do not cause health damage and endangering lives, not telling the truth. They become party companies to conceal the devastating effects that create mobile towers. These "models" of doctors and specialists in the field physical-chemical-biological-radioactive declared so, know why allying with wireless companies and public health institutions of the state ones, who have responsibility to control and prevent the massacre health.
But the world has a central institution, called WHO, which are defined by standards regarding the installation and use of mobile antennas with quotas power levels of radiation, ionizing and non-ionizing. Already know all doctors, specialists in the field of radioactivity, the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Health, regional environmental agencies in local and mobile companies themselves, which allowed the WHO values ​​are at 10 W per 1 m2.
If the measure passes with 00000.1% then deteriorates the body and human life. In fact, despite the report's publisher qualifying companies, the real value of antennas located in Tirana and in such districts is: mobile communication system, via E-GSM frequencies 900MHz, GSM, UMTS 1800MHz and 2100MHz rate exceeds 10 W for 1 m2. . I personally and all those who are specialists in the field to which we speak, there is no doubt that a good understanding of what it means radiant power, the distributed environment of mobile antennas inhabited, as waves of invisible, but in fact destroys oxygen and life of everything. Just a fact: from cellular antennas that are on top of buildings and areas where water sources that supply residential areas, water pollution increases by 29% due to contamination with radioactive radiation, which means killing health.
- If you were in charge of an environmental institution, what would you do?
First will publicly denounce this outrageous situation. The second will give the first test of courage as a doctor to stop this massacre health caused by antennas, which in our language are called "invisible killer of pazhurmëshme". Thirdly, will give the first example to forcibly remove the antenna from residential areas.
Cancer of the antennas, alarming reality in Albania
World Day of Fight against cancer, doctors and health institutions Albanian alerted, noting that the spread of this disease in our country has reached stratospheric numbers. According to official statistics, the year 2012 ended with nearly seven thousand new cases of cancer, with 2500 of them belong to the Tirana district. According to state health institutions, adding causes of cancer diseases are obesity, pollution, smoking or alcohol.
But doctors, as were the language of understanding with mobile companies and the Ministry of Environment, did not mention the fact that one of the main causes of cancer are massive in Albania and cellular antennas. Although not made public, has an alarming reality that cancer is caused by mobile towers. According to evidence hidden in files hospitals in Tirana district, but also as sources of private hospitals and clinical results that cellular antennas, because the 23% of cases of cancer in the blood, brain, head and lungs.
Mobile companies disregard community
To perform a mobile phone service antennas in Albania, under applicable law, shall first make a fresh start, to develop and to infer mandatory communication with the community. Companies AMC "," Vodafone "Eagle" and "Plus" have a legal obligation to complete before starting the preparation of the EIA report for the project of installing a wireless antenna in the public environment, inside, at or near a inhabited area, should take the approval of residents, or other social categories that are in the area where the antenna will be placed.
Based on DCM. 805, dated 04.12.2003, the project estimate is classified in the list of activities that affect the environment, on the basis of DCM, nr.994, dated 02.07.2008 "On the withdrawal of public opinion in decision përMjedisin", Ministry of Environment through regional agency shall ensure public participation in decision-making, applying these procedures:
a. Within 5 days after receiving the request from ARM to obtain the environmental permit, requires the President of the local government unit where the project is implemented, to organize public discussion of the impact.b. Forwards to the respective local government documents project, or activity, to make them available to the public.
d. The local government and the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management, the tools they have available, notify the affected public, within 5 days.e. Notice is drafted and published continuously for 20 days without interruption:
1. Local TV and radio;2. on the site of the body;3. publications or publications in daily or periodical, if possible;4. necessarily on the notice board of the local government unit.According conversations we had with residents and local government units in several districts of the country, this law does not apply, this procedure is formally in central offices with letters fictitious, false statements garnering community.


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