Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Parallels enigmatic history.

Parallels enigmatic history.
Conclusions reached by reading the short book to Paolo Cortesit, "The Mystery of History'' - Worrying parallel, recycling astonishing inexplicable phenomena in the history botërore.Autori explores some interesting historical parallel.
Event almost repeated the same years away, perhaps centuries. Hisori periodical with stories and characters, connected to each other with an invisible thread that can be shared over time, past events, places, faces, voices ..
Below for today are providing connectivity in recent years barslarguara +539 years, several events occurring phenomena, by two kings, that of .. Luigi IX .... and .... Louis XVI

1) East St. Louis: ... April 23, 1215. 1) Birth of Louis XVI, August 23, 1754 ...................... + 539 years2) Middle Isabella, sister of St. Louis: .... 1225. 2) Middle Isabella, sister of Louis XVI: .. 1764 ........ + 539 years 3) The death of the father of St. Louis: the year .... 1226.3) The death of the father of Louis XVI: year .. 1765 ................. + 539 years4) The beginning of the fall of St. Louis as king: ....... 1226. 4) Start the minority of Louis XVI Dolphin ..... 1765 ........ + 539 years5) ceasefire signed between the victorious St. Louis and Henry III of England: 12435) Treaty signed between Louis XVI and Victor George III of England: 1782. .................................................. ... + 539 years6) visits in East St. Louis by a prince who wants to become a Christian: 1249. 6) Sending an ambassador Eastern prince, eager to become a Christian for Louis XVI: 1788 ........................... ...... + 539 years7) Loss of St. Louis, the abandonment of all and Mansour confinement: 1250.7) Louis XVI and captive seizure Court abandoned the rebels in 1789 ................... ................................................. + 539 years Start distrust their ngaudhëheqësi: 1250 ........... + 539 years Start Jacobineve: a apostate priest offers his church: 1789.Ne can continue with other examples, but I think that the concept is now clear.
Historical events do not occur randomly. What we believe, is that these events are not results of chaos and chance, in fact they are mynyra extraordinary occurrences. We have learned just beginning to understand the background of our lives on Earth, and there is still a long way to go.


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