Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, has 3 secrets of scary!!!

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, has 3 secrets of scary!!!In this article I will talk about the Bermuda Triangle, located in the Atlantic Ocean, which starting in 1800-a date disappeared mysteriously at least over a hundred ships and aircraft, and in some cases it is verified that are found boat or small velierë empty, without crew, although their board everything was normal and rescue boats were still in their seats, for this reason on the one side, there was no reason to justify a flight crew for emergency reasons and on the other hand the presence of rescue boats shows that the crew was not removed from the ship with his desire for a certain reason, because in this case would have used boats as we said, were found where they were, without përdorur.Do begin by describing some famous cases and the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle.Once we describe these mysterious disappearances, will take into account some assumptions that are placed to give an explanation of these mysterious disappearances and to try to solve the mystery of the missing e first Bermudës.Anija Triangle triangle Bermuda which will talk Marine Sulphur Queen, which was launched on 2 February 1963 Galveston Norfolk. Marine Sulphur Queen ship should arrive in Norfolk on 7 February. But just on that day, seeing that the ship was delayed by hours of arrival, the Coast Guard gave alarmin.Po ponder well, there was something strange in the rush to give the alarm, if I feel that something bad had happened.Perhaps giving alarm acceleration has to do with the fact that after two private messages broadcast on February 4, 1963, radio was strangely silent ship board transmetuari.Në February 8, 7 planes fly over the area included between Galveston Bay Florida . But even with the commitment of the people who participate in research, has not been seen on any ship, no relics, no suspicious stain. The next day was carried out research on EE away again but this time not found any sign of dyshimtë.Deri ship on February 13 disclosure flights were taken over an area of ​​500,000 km2. The area is also inspected by several research vessel and were questioned ship captains who attended hamendësisht the same trajectory of the ship's gone. Although all efforts were made there was no result.This disappearance of a large vessel occurred near the coast in a relatively narrow area and without any warning issued by the ship risk is a real mystery. According to experts who were engaged in the exploration, it seemed as if the ship suddenly disappeared without leaving any trace. Most surprising thing was that the disappearance had occurred in a narrow zone near the coast and many trafficked anijet.Komisioni Coast Guard investigation released a very detailed report on the disappearance of the ship. In this report concluded that the disappearance of the ship was inexplicable, because for navigational and weather conditions do not create any risk for anijen.Tani will take into account the disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle Cyclops, a large ship used for supplying U.S. troops based in the South Atlantic. The disappearance of the vessel took place on 4 March 1918. The ship departed from Bahia on 21 February 1918 to the U.S. but never reached its destination. Last warning for this vessel took place on 4 March, the day on which Cyclopsi stopped at the port of La Barbade, but it was the last time anyone saw the ship because it was never in Norfolk.Under Investigation Commission launched an investigation into the disappearance of this ship it's a total extinction, perfect, inexplicable: no SOS, no relic, no cutter, no suspicion or evidence to understand what had happened Coast anijes.Roja issued a meaningful statement in which the disappearance of Cyclops was regarded as one of the most puzzling of all time in the Navy Bregdetare.Por Bermuda Triangle mysteries do not end here, on the contrary, the disappearance of Cyclops is less mysterious than it would read poshtë.Ne 1881 American ship Ellen Austin spotted from above a velier that was heading towards the coast.Ellen captain Austin ordered closer to the ship being completed on the shore, but all were left stunned when they noticed that the ship was completely empty, without crew. As a first hypothesis supposed that the crew had left the ship by the waves, and therefore the captain of the ship Ellen Austin transferred velier some of his crew, returning both one after the other tjetrës.Natën suddenly came a mist, when it was dissolved, Ellen Austin was found only in the sea. Two days later velieri mysterious reappeared again and, surprisingly, looked like again failed to keep proper direction during the cruise, although this time the sails were open.The ship Ellen Austin rimorkioi velierin and called for the people of the crew that were transferred there from Ellen Austin. To everyone's surprise no one answered, because velieri was again without any crew bord.Kapiteni Ellen Austin asked again among his crew volunteer to accept to go to velierin towed. This time it was easy to find people volunteer because they were all terrified of the disappearance of former crew. However, others found difficulty, thanks to the amount of money made available by the captain, was transferred velier and went on sëbashku.Por not, because soon appeared the same horrible scene. Reappeared again in the night fog that terrified crew Ellen Austin. The next morning he disappeared again, but the next day again reappeared, and this time without a crew on board. Then the captain of the Ellen Austin surrendered and did not send anyone in mysterious velierin being convinced that in that ship something shtriguar had happened, a curse.But in the Bermuda Triangle are not only missing boat, but a significant number of aircraftThe first case of the disappearance of aircraft that will take into consideration took place on 5 December 1945 and is about 5 military aircraft Avenger. These Avenger aircraft took off from the base of the Fort in Florida for a workout but never returned to base. Wanting to sintetizojmë what happened, should note first of all that, an hour and a half later after the launch of the Squadron, launch base took a message from Avenger aircraft very striking: Avenger pilots offs communicated not looked at the ground and as a result had humbur.Ky message is absolutely inexplicable because on the one hand planes were still close to the base of departure and must see that should not turn the sky was open and clear appearance.The controller advised the flight boss skuadriljen to return to the West but the answer that came from the boss skuadrilja was completely incomprehensible. He actually said he was not sure of any direction and also said that the color of the ocean was different from that of zakonshmja.Pas this phrase incomprehensible to people on the basis of control began to worry seriously, or better to say that panic face of this unusual event. Avenger aircraft seemed to have ended up in another dimension where the color of the sea was different from ours. Passed minutes long full ankth.Pas about a half hour flight controller jumped out of the chair when he received a new message no less elusive. In fact the boss skuadrilja Avenger aircraft communicated he knew where there were aircraft position and closed his message with these enigmatic words: it seems like we are ...After these words lost all contact with the flight controller and Avenger aircraft they disappeared përgjithmonë.Tani will talk about the disappearance of another aircraft that took place just hours after the disappearance of those Avenger. Ten minutes later this message fabulous base commander gave the order to a hidrovolant Mariner flying towards the last position where they were Avenger aircraft before disappearing. Hidrovolanti Mariner arrived at AEE position in 1 hour. Marineri regularly sent messages very detailed because the crew members were experts in this type of research. The commander stood waiting for new messages from the Mariner, which failed. Commander thought that was a good sign, interpreting the lack of posts by the fact that people were being taken to rescue Mariner aircraft pilots survive Avenger.However with the passage of hours commander became concerned and asked to communicate with Mariner but hidrovolanti answered. Mariner was gone like the Avenger aircraft. Immediately set off aircraft and other vessels to search hidrovolantin Mariner, including an aircraft carrier, but although research, had to accept the fact that Mariner was gone like the Avenger-s. These are not only missing planes in the Bermuda Triangle: the period between 1950 and 1995 are missing and 20 planes tjerë.Pasi have described the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle, will show that hypotheses are formulated to explain Triangle mystery of February Bermudës.Shumë can say that hypotheses are cast 3: Atlantis hypothesis, the presence in Bermuda triangle window windows ekstradimensionale or multidimensional hypothesis that explains the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle under the terms of UFO sightings.Hypotheses about the Bermuda Triangle Mystery1. Hypothesis AntlatidaAtlantis hypothesis supporters admit that the underwater ruins lost continent of Atlantis out several deadly beam, leading to the disappearance of ships and aircraft. In other words, according to these authors, among the underwater ruins of Atlantis found weapons belonging atlantidasve and that are still functional, and certain moments that we can not know when these arise deadly beam weapons which destroy ships and planes. One of the supporters of this thesis, David Zink, has settled the definition of these rays as "crystal fire" and hipotizon that these weapons from which comes the fire of crystal activated when get together a variety of factors, in which these deficiencies weapons, although still able to function, remain inactive. Always according to Zink, is always this "crystal fire" due to magnetic turbulence and gravitational anomalies encountered in the triangle Bermudës.Mbështetësit Atlantis hypothesis give a great importance to the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, an American celebrity vegjenti very known in the United States. Edgar Cayce when steeped in trance, was wont to prophesy different things, among others, and some of that had to do with Atlantidën he called Poseidonia, that was the name by which the inhabitants of the lost continent call Atlantidën. Cayce revealed that Atlantis had large cities, mysterious cars transporting matter and a fiery stone that was capable of capturing and using the power of the wonderful power kozmike.Gjithashtu Edgar Cayce formulated, while in trance, a prophecy more precisely in 1940.He predicted that a portion of the ruins of a temple of Atlantis, which was buried under the mud of Bimini, an island just outside of Florida, will tee discovered 28 years later, ie in 1968. In fact, in 1968 just in Bimini, some divers found some stone blocks that could be the walls of a ruined temple, and other debris that could have been the walls and streets of a city sunk under water a long time ago. New diving and aerial photo seems to confirm the existence of these ruins. However, it should be said that not all oceanographers are unsure of these stone blocks are part of the ruins of Atlantis. Must say that, even if it was just for the rocks as accept these oceanographers, these rocks are undoubtedly a very strange form, as to give the idea that may be the remains of a sunken city. Even if we accept that these stone blocks are really as they seem, the ruins of a sunken city, does not necessarily mean to be the ruins of a city missing Atlanditës, from the moment the water level along the Sea ever been raised more than once, and among other marine storms may have flooded coastal cities in the distant past, and who have nothing in common with the continent of Atlantis.2. Dritararja multidimensionalOther authors believe that the disappearances of aircraft and ships in the Bermuda Triangle are due to the presence in the geographical area of ​​a window ekstradimensionale or a multidimensional window (windows ekstradimensionale put in touch our dimension, our universe, a parallel dimension and windows multi-dimensional put in contact with a number of our dimension and not only with a parallel universe). These authors claim that electromagnetic turbulence and gravitational anomalies that occur in the Bermuda triangle are consequently ekstradimensionale window or multidimensional. Our opinion is that this hypothesis, together with ufologjike will elaborate below, is more reliable than that of Atlantis being that in some cases of disappearances of ships or planes appear as if they are shipped exactly in other dimensions.3. UFOWill now consider the third hypothesis to search fading Bermuda Triangle mystery: according to this hypothesis disappearances of ships and aircraft in the area are caused by UFO abductions. Author on all defended this thesis and asked for evidence to support American ufologu Jessup who devoted much of his time to the study of possible connections midir UFOs and mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Unfortunately Jessup decision suicide prevented American ufologun in trying to continue his investigation report on UFOs and the Bermuda Triangle as well as on other elements of phenomenology ufologjike (below will show something about the suicide of Jessup since it is a mysterious and suspicious suicide, the causes of which are still unknown).According to Jessup UFOs cause the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle to grab humans. According ufologut Bermuda Triangle waters must be an alien underwater base in which transported people, ships and planes that disappeared in the area. Jessup gave much attention to these disappearances because he considered a very disturbing fact that aliens abducting people, because it confirmed the fact that they had negative purposes against the human race. We should note that in his books Jessup has been often pointed out the fact that the biggest problem that the UFO must resolve was to understand what were the goals had aliens on people. Briefly Jessup claimed that if aliens came to Earth, must have valid reasons to do that trip. The problem was he to clarify whether they are good or bad against the human race. If they were positive towards people travel motives or their presence on Earth should not bother people, otherwise, if they were negative, the motives that drove toward Earth should bother many people. Now, if those responsible for disappearances of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle were aliens that means, according to Jessup, existing possibility that aliens were bad goals against people imagining and consequences of these fundit.Përveç these Jessup claimed that magnetic turbulence and gravitational anomalies present in the Bermuda Triangle were caused by underwater base built by aliens to grab people.Jessup suicideLet us close this article with some facts about the suicide of Jessup. Police opened an investigation into the short set Jessup suicide motives which closed with ease and speed, saying Jessup committed suicide because he was still in love with his wife, who was divorced from scientist some time ago. According to U.S. police that Jessup had committed suicide as a cause of marital failure was that he died just a few days after his ex-wife to marry for the second time. Brief final report on the suicide of Jessup said the scientist, not accepted in any way that would marry ex-wife after a few days, he decided to suicide just that day because they do not want to be living the very day that it will martohej.Ky explanation on suicide have never been able to convince John Keel so he began to investigate personally the death of Jessup. Investigations undertaken by John Keel noted that had occurred some mysterious and frightening facts before veëvrasjes Jessup.So American ufologu Keel refused and rejected the final report of the police investigation lokale.Do tell you now one of the scary facts that emerged from the investigation of John Keel. This actually happened two diëe before U.S. ufologut suicide Jessup. Keel came to this fact by asking close friends Jessup, to know if Jessup had mentioned something that could explain his act suicide. Perseverance of the Keel when he met a friend near Jessup working as astrophysics in U.S. Military Navy, and as a result other than the fact that was Jessup friend was and a colleague (Jessup scientist). He revealed Keel's Jessup two days before he committed suicide had made him a call, in which he showed that he had found terrible things about UFOs and also that some time can not sleep more quiet because his home place things unexplained and frightening. Miku asked Jessup to explain better but American ufologu said he could not tell over the phone therefore invited to meet at his house and talk personally.As Jessup friend at that time was located in a city far from where he lived Jessup, both agreed they would meet two days later at his home. Jessup close call saying his friend astrophysics that if the inhabitants of the Earth will wake up to the terrible information he had discovered about UFOs, would become victims of an uncontrollable terror. Unfortunately, when the friend arrived in Jessup home the afternoon of the day appointed to meet, found dead and police said it was suicide in the early hours of the morning.Unfortunately we do not we never know what horrible thing had discovered Jessup UFO and are not even able to make a hypothesis about this. However, we agree with Keel that she call clearly shows two things: first, that Jessup was not committed suicide because he did not accept the marriage of former spouse; secondly it is possible as it receives and Keel that Jessup as well as other UFO was persecuted by supernatural creatures, for which reason that explained why he was able to sleep comfortably at night because of unexplained phenomena that occur at home tij.Mbyllim so this article identified the fact that Keel has admitted many times that in its archive has gathered over 100 UFO witness, who indicated that they had problems of this kind with supernatural beings, problems that have occurred and Keel itself.


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