Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Preparation and outbreak of the uprising

 August 1911 agreements did not alter the overall situation in Albania, because it does not yet meet the minimum requirements of Albanians, but also why the Istanbul government used them only to reduce the momentum of the armed struggle and moreover do not implement them . Therefore the question of organizing a general uprising always remained anti-ottoman order of the day.Albanian patriots thought it had a new uprising broke out in the spring of 1912. Start of Italian-Ottoman war, in late September 1911, created more favorable conditions for them to engage in a large part of osmane.Përveç forces, this war showed that the status quo can not be maintained on gjatë.Në Under these circumstances, on the one hand began efforts to prepare the armed uprising and the creation of a single center udhëheëse turn Albanian deputies of parliamentary struggle continued in Istanbul and once again presented the Young Turks government of their national requirements. On January 11, 1912 Hasan Prishtina Istanbul warned the government that if not met the national requirements in Albania uprising broke out.While continuing debates in parliament, a group of MPs on Satamboll Albanian organized under the Chairmanship of Ismail Kemal a secret meeting in which concrete measures were taken for the general uprising. It was decided that the uprising began in Kosovo and then spreading to other regions of the country. Kamal Ismail was tasked to ensure the collection of weapons and aid from European countries, while Hasan Prishtina in Kosovo initially organized insurgency.On January 18, 1912 Young Turks of Parliament dispersed due to the strong opposition that was created in the. They used various means like bribery, fraud prosecutions by police during the election campaign of new and managed to win. In the new parliament was not elected any of the former opposition MPs, as patriots I.Qemali, etc. H.Prishtina. Measures taken by the young Turks and the election results more exacerbated the situation in Albania.Although not provided any external ally, armed with enough money, committees covert armed groups began to form armed. To organize the uprising came to Albania in March 1912, Kamal Ismail Gurakuqi Louis. Clashes
Armed with Ottoman rulers in the Highlands of Gjakova began in mid-April. In early May of insurgent hostilities spread in Pec on ​​stream in Mirdita, in Zadrime etc..


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