Friday, April 5, 2013

Scientists: Death does not exist ...

All believe that we have a life on earth. After a period of time death comes to everyone and we believe it will die just because we are told. But no one has raised the question of what happens to the human soul, where he goes and more importantly a dying man.

New scientific theory says that "death is not the final act", writes in his blog Robert Lance, an expert on advanced cell technology. One of the popular aspects of quantum physics is that some aspects can not be predicted absolutely. Instead, there is a range of possible observations, each with a different probability. A common explanation, interpretation of the "many worlds", says that each of these possible observations corresponds to a Universum other (multiuniversum). Theory new science called biocentricity very little has cleared these ideas.

There is a limitless number of Universum and everything that could happen, happens within them. Death does not exist in the full sense in these scenarios. All Universum likely exist at the same time, no matter what happens inside them. Although our bodies are set to be destroyed, the sense of life - "Who am I?" Is actually a fountain of 20 watt power which controls the brain. But this energy does not disappear after death. One of the most reliable axioms of science is that energy never dies, it can neither be created nor destroyed.


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